$ 1,001.00

Brahmotsava  Mahotsavam is  a  nine-day  religious celebration being conducted from August 8-18, 2019 at Sri Venkateswara Swami (Balaji) temple in Aurora, similar to the traditions of Tirupati temple.   Popular Indian scriptures trace the origin of this function to Lord Brahma,thecreator God, as the conductor of the Utsavam to Sri Balaji in Tirupati in appreciation of Sri Balaji'sgrace for protecting mankind. Hence, this Utsavam bearsits popular name as ''Brahmotsavam". During the ninedays,each evening, Sri Balaji Utsava Murthi  is taken  on  Utsavams  (processions)  with splendid, varied  decorations  on  different Vahanas (chariots)  in  the  serene  outdoor  premises  of  the temple.  On the concluding day,a grand Sri Srinivasa Kalyanotsavam (wedding ceremony) is alsoplanned. The "Brabmotsavam" celebration  provides a unique opportunity for our devotees to participate in the festivities and Utsavams and experience the Vailmntha Anubhavam ("Heavenly enj oyment and feeling") and receive the blessingsof Sri Venkateswara Swami.



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